Currently Groove Pleasure and Groovepressure are the names given to the 2 rooms at Socialeyes parties, they represent the different sides to Robin’s musical passions, Groove Pleasure covers house, techno, electro & disco whilst Groovepressure covers dubstep, breaks, beats & bass (expect to see a Groovepressure Soundsystem in the future). They are also the names of his previous record labels and parties in the UK & France and are currently the titles to his radio shows on Samurai FM;
8 Reasons to come and witness the debut performance from the Groove Pleasure Soundsystem and Socialeyes with us;
1. It’s a new religion, you need to make a pilgrimage to Elephant and Castle on the third Saturday in January!
2. You will be able to say you were at the first ever Groove Pleasure Soundsystem event!
3. That wagon you're on is too heavy, someone needs to jump off!
4. Dancing is more pleasurable than 1000 press ups!
5. It’s at Corsica Studios, immense sound system and all!
6. It’s only £6 for an advanced ticket and drinks are very reasonably priced!
7. Bass is good for the soul, so said the Dalai Lama 2011!
8. It’s my birthday party!
DJ + live elements
SATURDAY 22nd January 2011
22.00 - 06:00
House, Techno, Electro, Disco
@ Corsica studios
Nearest Tube: Elephant & Castle
Tickets £6 in advance from:
Tel: 07956 375370